Category Archives: Food

} Carrot Top Pesto


Recently, I learned that carrot tops (or leaves, rather) are edible. Who knew! Well, obviously, I was left out in the dark on that one. lol!

And so I discovered that yummy fact on Cuisinette‘s blog, when she decided to do a pesto with it. OH MY! Had to try this asap! So a week later, I went to do the groceries, and to my surprise, there were carrots sold with the leaves as well (kind of a somewhat rare thing to see in regular grocery stores…), so I jumped on the occasion.


Once home, I washed them all up, cut the unleafy parts of the stems, and mixed that all up in the food processor with regular pesto ingredients: parmesan cheese, garlic, nuts (all I had were soya seeds, worked perfect!), lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper. Ah, and I also put in half of what was left of my parsley on the balcony. Autumn is just around the corner, after all, don’t wanna waste it! :)

Conclusion: it is DELICIOUS.

Plus, the green color won’t oxidize like the basil version, so if you like to take some pictures of your food like I do, it’s a winner!

Now, go try it. :P


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Filed under Food, My Life

} Love & Olive Oil

Meyer Lemon Macadamia Nut Tart

Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad with Pan-Fried Goat Cheese and Pomegranate

Butternut Squash Risotto with Pine Nuts, Balsamic Drizzle, and Fried Sage

Arugula Pistachio Pesto 

Love & Olive Oil is the blog of Lindsay and Taylor, a regular couple crazy in love with cooking.  They offer their readers recipe ideas and gorgeous eye feasts – stunning pictures.

To add to that, they have 2 small businesses to run, just launched a book called Breakfast for Dinner, and started challenging themselves in the cooking department as well (it’s always easy to stay in one’s comfort zone, ain’t it?). Busy couple!

SO MUCH to browse, go crazy! :P

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Filed under Food, Photography, Web, Blogs

} WoodInk

*** Addition information, as of March 18, 2014.
This company has changed it’s name, but has also been a very negative experience for many buyers. I suggest you read more in the comments below.

Found out about these fabulous customizable cutting boards from WoodInk via Vanessa‘s (personnal) Facebook page. How wonderful!

From meat cuts to cutting grids to chevrons and more, at least one of these babies will pierce your heart and you’ll WANT IT NOW. For sure.


Filed under Food, Handmade

} Crusty Bread: Apple & Cheddar & Bacon

* Si vous préfèrez une version française, par ici!

First of all, let’s all please notice that this month’s recipe doesn’t have a single trace of fish in it. MIRACLES! :D

Second of all, you’re probably thinking that you can’t make this bread. Let me stop you right there, wo/man.

I have been telling myself for years now that I would love to be able to make homemade bread, but all the kneading and stuff had me convinced it was basically impossible without training of some sort. Turns out, I was completely wrong. More wrong than that and you’re in the gutter.

This recipe is a VERY EASY one, a VERY FORGIVABLE one, and a VERY FLEXIBLE one, too. Meaning: you WILL be able to do it and you WILL be able to do a different flavor, if this one is not to your taste.

Let me just specify that the basic recipe of this bread is not my creation. I found it here. The apple/cheddar/bacon part is my idea, tho!

Ready? :)

1- In a bowl (choose a size making sure that there is space for the mixture to “grow”), mix together 3 cups of flour, 1 3/4 teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of yeast. (I use regular active dry yeast, but the woman on that other blog post used instant yeast. Anything works, truly!)

* If you want to do a plain (no flavor) bread, skip steps 2 and 3.
** Alternatively, if you want to do another flavor than the one I am suggesting, now is the time to get creative!

2- Grate your cheddar, cut your apple (without skin) in small cubes, cook your bacon and cut in small pieces. Everything is per your taste, don’t worry too much about quantities. Again, it is a very forgivable recipe.

3- Mix them with your previous dry ingredients.

4- Add 1 1/2 cups of water. Mix well with a spatula, make sure everything is nicely blended. The result is a sticky mixture, as seen above.

5- Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit on the counter 12 to 18 (even 24) hours. This part is NOT flexible, tho. You MUST let it sit out 12 hours minimum. So, you will indeed need to plan ahead for this recipe, because of the waiting time.

After step 5, it will look like this next picture.

Now, 12 hours (or more) later, it’s baking time!

You will need an oven resistant cookware piece, with lid. I have this small Le Creuset one, but any pot with lid (that is resistant to 450degrees temperature, including the knob) will work. The idea is to sort of create an oven within an oven.

6- Put your pot (with the lid on) in the oven, and heat it at 450. Leave it in there for 30 minutes.

7- While it’s heating up, get a sheet of parchment paper. Kind of heavily, flour it.

8- Pour your dough on it. (Since my cast iron is pretty small, I literally cut the dough in half to bake in 2 separate breads, one after the other. Obviously, if you have a bigger one than mine, you can do it in one single loaf. Baking times are the same!)

9- Flour your hands, the mixture is very sticky! Then, just form a round shape. No kneading or nothing. Simple, huh? Cover your ball with plastic wrap while the oven is still heating.

10- Once the 30min of heating your pot is done, take it out, and take off the lid. Obviously, everything is just SO HOT, so be careful! Then put your dough in, with the parchment paper (it wont burn). Again, don’t burn yourself, be careful!

11- Put the lid back on, and back in the oven for 30 minutes.

12- After 30 minutes, take everything out, and lift up the lid to discover the half baked bread, just like the picture above. Soooo pretty already, right?

13- Put back in the oven 15 minutes, without the lid.

14- THAT IS ALL, folks. Your yummy crusty bread will then be baked, and perfect. Grab the parchment paper, and take it out of the pot. Leave to rest and cool down.

Or eat it half cooled… Y’know, if you can’t resist, just like me. Haha!

I have SO MANY other flavor options in my head, it’s about to burst. Cranberries and orange zest? Mix of nuts? Herbal? Plus, I will definitively buy a bigger cast iron pot soon.

I’m already sold to this recipe. I CAN MAKE HOMEMADE BREAD. Oh my!

And now, so can YOU! :)


Filed under Food

} AMradio

So that I would be stuck on mobiles, it would have to be very contemporary looking. And that’s exactly what Melissa of AMradio does.

Made out of plastic straws (Hum hello!? Brilliant.) or in brass in some cases, she creates beautiful intricate geometric lightweight mobiles (or Xmas tree ornaments, or plant hangers) that’ll fit any modern decor.

Her shop also offers many awesome vintage finds, such as there rustic looking wooden crates.


While you’re at it, check out her husband John’s shop too, Urban Brewery, which offers small kits (with instructions, of course) for those who want to explore making their own beer! Pretty awesome!!


Filed under Decor - Object, Food, Handmade

} Pimped Miso Soup

* Si vous préfèrez une version française, par ici!

Hum. It seems as if I can’t get away from sea creatures again (and again) this month for the food column… Oh well, live with it. lol! ;)

This is SUCH a quick and easy recipe idea, believe me. I’ve literally made this in 10 minutes (besides pictures). Miso (fermented soybean paste) is very versatile, for soups, but also for marinades and even salad dressings. The classic soup, as you might know, is composed of just water, miso, wakame (seaweeds) and tofu.

Delicious as is, but once in a while I like to make a pimped (aka “deluxe”) version. This is it! :)

Bring water to heat in a pot, and once hot, dissolve your miso in it. You can put in some soya sauce too, if you would like it saltier. Then, add your cubed shrimps and wakame, since they both need to cook a little. Cut a couple of dices of tomatoes and add (this will add some zing! to the overall taste).

Make a little puree out of your fresh ginger (as per your taste), with a fine grate. I find this method to be a more tasteful result in a soup than if it’s minced with a knife. Add a bit of freshly squeezed lime juice (I used a quarter of a lime for one person portion, but go by your preference).

Scoop out your sweet peas from their shell (and if you’re like me, try not to eat them as is meanwhile… lol), and cut your avocado in cubes. Yep, avocado. Agreed, it sounds like a weird ingredient in a soup, but try it! You might just agree with me that it’s great! :)

These two last ingredients are to be added at the end only, when your soup is ready, since they do not need to cook, they just need warming up. There you go! Add a couple of cilantro leaves to top it off once served!

Obviously, feel free to leave out some things or replace if you feel like it. Shrimp could be tofu or scallops (or even salmon?) instead, wakame could be ramen noodles, sweet peas could be thinly sliced mushrooms… Go creative (or just empty that fridge of left over veggies)! :)



Filed under Food

} Nicole Porter

Talk about flashy perfect color combos! Nicole Porter‘s wood vessels are turned from single planks, then painted and sealed with non-toxic film. Perfect fruit bowls or serving platters, yeah?

And those spoons could totally be hung on an art wall (seriously considering it…)! SO PRETTY! :)

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Filed under Decor - Object, Food, Handmade

} Poppy and Pearl

Mason jars have been trending for a while now. Used obviously for canning, but also for pretty much anything else: lamps, candles and candle holders, decor… And drinking vessels!

Poppy and Pearl Co offers jars with specially made lids and straws to go with it. Super cute! I am especially fond of the ones with handles, been wanting some for a while now!

You can buy complete sets, or just some lids with straws if you already have plenty of jars on hand. Practical! :)

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Filed under Decor - Object, Food, Handmade

} Butternut & Tuna Casserole

* Si vous préfèrez une version française, par ici!

As per last time, this recipe has fish. You’ve guessed it, I’m not much of a meat eater. My everyday food intake is mostly composed of pretty much anything besides red flesh (at home, that is)… But don’t despair you carnivores! I am bound to cook the thing for you eventually! I think? lol ;)

This recipe can really easily be done without the fish, that said. I’ve done it many times as a veggie dish, too. Very delicious either way!

As for the rice, it can be skipped as well, for those of you avoiding carbs. A nice green salad on the side can be just as good instead.

Let’s get to it!

So, this is another simple recipe! Perhaps more an Autumn idea, but I personally eat squash any time of year.

Cut shallots (or onions) thinly and cook in a pan with a little bit of oil. Once tender, add the pumpkin seed (or pecans, love it for this too) so they’ll grill a little as well. Put aside.

Cut your butternut in small/medium size pieces (I sometimes add some cauliflower too, they go very well together), mix with a little oil, salt & pepper at taste. Spread on a plaque evenly, pop in the oven until cooked.

Meanwhile, grate your Oka cheese. M’k, so, this is a local Quebec cheese, which I love. It has a pretty strong flavor. Obviously, any melting cheese will do, but I suggest going for a flavorful cheese (and avoiding mild ones like mozzarella, for example). You can’t go wrong if it’s tasty! A good 3yr cheddar should do fine if nothing else comes to mind!

Once everything is cooked, gather all cooked ingredients in a casserole, add a can (or two) of tuna, more salt & pepper, mix it up! Add the cheese on top, and back in the oven at broil.

Add on top of rice. I used Calrose sushi rice, because I love it for everything and anything, but I have a feeling that it would be yummy (and pretty) over wild rice…

Aaaand serve! :)

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Filed under Food

} Salmon & Quinoa Croquettes

My friend (and CSS coder for this site!) Valérie of Rose Flash asked me if I was interested in doing a foodie blog post a month on her blog. Hell yeah I am! :) So, each month, I will be posting it en français over there, and in English here.

Please note that I rarely cook with quantities… Except for deserts obviously, but I rarely bake anyway (besides banana bread. Mmmm!). So the chances of getting precise units from me is very low… I cook by mostly instinct (and sometimes from a recipe research to know more about a basic idea , just like today’s croquettes!), and so I suggest you do it also! Pictures will help you with approximations, and I might drop a quantity or suggestion along the way. Alright, let’s do this! :)

And so… I tried to make salmon and quinoa croquettes, and even tho I’m kinda scared of hot oil in a kitchen, I got thru it pretty calmly. And it was quite delicious!

A few suggestions: I used half water/half broth to cook the (a little less than a cup of) quinoa: it adds flavor! I also suggest fresh herbs, altho if you don’t have any on hand, dried will work too. On the opposite thought, you can use freshly cooked salmon, but I used canned. Tuna could also work, or even chicken, if ever fish is not your thing!

Once you’ve rallied up all your ingredients, get your hands dirty and mix it up! Then, season with salt and pepper and adjust accordingly: add another egg or a little bit of water if it’s too dry, or a little more salmon or quinoa if it’s too wet. Cook a few minutes on each side in hot oil in deep pan, and let rest on paper towel a little after that!

To accompany the croquettes, I made a minced mint and plain yogourt sauce (added a little bit of maple sirup to sweeten everything). It was SO delicious on them crunchy bites!

Also, a little salad with veggies I had on hand (here is carrot, corn and green beans) was a perfect side dish, and so I added some of the sauce to it as vinaigrette.

That’s it! Enjoy! :)

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Filed under Food

} Sun Tea, For You.

Ah, how I love tea. Herbal or not. Hot water infused or not.

Yeah, sun tea. Perfect for summer: yummy + easy! Here’s how it’s done!

– Find a good clean glass jar, with a lid.
– Fill with tap water, room temperature.
– Add anything you’d like, basically.*
– Close lid, shake it up a little.
– Leave jar in the sun for a couple of hours.
– Strain, add sugar if needed.
– If you want it cold, now would be the time to put it in the fridge a little, add ice cubes and whatnot. If not, it will be naturally warm (not hot) and that’s pretty refreshing too in the summer heat!
– Drink up people! :P

Here I chose to do an herbal one, with fresh mint, slices of lemon, a few dried rose and blue borage petals, a little sugar.

* The possibilities are endless! Actual tea sachets (or loose leaves), rosemary, lavender, cilantro, orange, strawberry, and even whole spices like black pepper seeds or cardamom. Whatever suits your fancy. Basically, use what you have on hand at that precise moment, and it’s bound to be delicious anyway! :)

And then, enjoy! Just as I am right this moment writing this, drinking the results of what you see up there! :)


Filed under Food, Handmade

} Knock Knock

Linen is their play field, and the kitchen is where they find most of their inspiration. Knock Knock offers aprons and tea towels, along with placemats and coasters, all made with beautifully rich linen fabric.

Also check out their fable bio! SO cute! :)

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Filed under Fashion - Accessories, Food, Handmade

} B. Fiess

I am just in love with this ceramic find! B. Fiess‘ composition sculptures are great, but I have a soft spot for the utilitarian jars, which are shut close with cork and rubber.  So cool!!

Buy online on Leif.

Via }  Design*Sponge

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Filed under Decor - Object, Food, Handmade, Pottery & Clay

} I am a Food Blog

Sometimes the most perfect blog names are those who just tell it straight to your face. Just like I am a Food Blog, Sophie’s outlet for her love of food and photography, over in Vancouver.

A bold and crisp look, beautiful pictures and detailed recipes. You basically can’t ask for more. That is, after you realize you can’t just lick your screen to get a taste. :P

Via } Design Crush

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Filed under Canadian, Food, Photography, Web, Blogs

} Spoon Fork Bacon

I love this blog called Spoon Fork Bacon. For it’s photographs (Woah! Gorgeous!) and also for the occasional animated gif’s, too.

And for the recipes of course. Altho I haven’t tried anything yet, all in all, most seem simple enough to be attainable by most people. Recipes are diversified, with a little bit of everything from appetizers to deserts.

And of course, a couple of recipes with bacon, like Salted Caramel and Candied Bacon Ice Cream. Oh yeah.

Nom nom nommmmm! :P

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Filed under Food, Photography, Web, Blogs